(541) 475-6192

Facility Use

Facility Use Overview

The Board supports the community education concept, which encourages the use of school district facilities by community members for education, recreation and service activities. The Board believes that district educational and extra-curricular programs shall have priority over other community uses, and has directed the administration to develop regulations governing building and facility use by community user groups and/or individuals. The Board reserves the right to assess fees for community use of district facilities. Depending on the type of activity, proof of liability insurance may be required.

Full language for the district policy and regulations for “Community Use of District Facilities” can be read under Policy KG and KG-AR. See links below. 

Facility Rental Use – Policy and Regulations

Rate Information

Facility use rates will be determined by the district’s Facility Use Committee and will be reviewed and updated as necessary. The following classifications will be used to determine the priority for facility use and associated fee charges. All deposits are required in advance of the event occurrence and will be applied to the balance of charges less any cost for damages. Payments are to be made to Jefferson County School District 509J.

Class A

Jefferson County School District 509J programs.

Class B

This covers youth club sports programs and Madras High School Boosters; clubs must be recognized by the athletic director (written approval required) within the district as being an athletic program that benefits their programs. Proof of 501(c)(3) status shall be required.

Class C

Jefferson County School District 509J partners, and government, educational and non-profit organizations recognized under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Service code or legitimately sheltered under the umbrella of another 501(c) organization who are based within the 509J district boundary. Proof of residency and 501(c) status may be required. Said groups cannot act as agents for outside groups.

Class D

Government, educational and non-profit organizations recognized under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Service code or legitimately sheltered under the umbrella of another 501(c) organization that are not located within the 509J boundary. Proof of 501(c) status may be required. Also covered are individuals engaged in charitable activities, the entire proceeds of which (less expenses) will be donated to a government or non-profit organization as defined above.

Class E

All other users.

Submit a Request

Please save copies of these forms to your computer before using

Step 1: Building and Facility Use Application Form

The Application Form is to be sent directly to the attention of:

Facility Use
Jefferson County School District 509J

445 SE Buff Street

Madras, OR 97741

or it can be emailed to: facilities@509j.net
A confirmation letter will be sent to each registering applicant giving notice of approval/disapproval. Each registered applicant will be assigned an identification number by classification.  All Users are required to re-register after July 1 of each new school year.

Step 2: Fees and Invoicing

Step #2 is completed by the coordinator/event manager or designee for Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E users after the event has occurred. This information is forwarded to Jefferson County School District 509J Fiscal Services for event fee reconciliation and invoicing. The Facility Use Pre/Post Inspection Checklist is to be used to determine the final assessment of fees.

Fees and Invoicing

Rental fees are based on a combination of User Group Classifications B, C, D, and E and rates set in Fee Schedules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. See below for descriptions of each.   Requests for fee waivers or reduction of fees must be submitted in writing and are permitted only by prior written approval of the Superintendent or designee.

Class A User Rate

There are no fees.

Class B User Rate

$50 per month per gym/field. Additional fees may apply. 

Class C User Rate

Fees are approximately 25% of the base rate (Fee=Base Rate X 0.25)

Class D User Rate

Fees are approximately 50% of the base rate. (Fee=Base Rate X 0.50)

Class E User Rates

Fees are 100% of the base rate.

Type of Fee Schedules / Requirements / Packages

Fee Schedule 1: Building Space Rental
  • Fee Schedule #1 Worksheet
  • Base Rental Rates:  Include the first three hours.  Every hour thereafter will be charged an hourly rate.
  • Additional Staff Charges:  Supervision &/or custodial coverage is required for non-school days/hours at an additional fee with the exception of the “A” User Group.
  • Cafeteria and Kitchen Use:  Requires special permission from Nutrition Services.  An additional charge will be assessed for each food service handler.
  • Classrooms with Computers or A/V:  Special permission is required to use classrooms with computers or specialized equipment.
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance:  All “B,” “C,” “D,” and “E” User Groups must submit a “Certificate of Liability Insurance” listing Jefferson County School District 509J as an additional insured with a minimum amount of $1,000,000. The “Certificate of Liability Insurance” is to be submitted and is a condition for application approval.
Fee Schedule 2: Athletic Fields Rental
  • Fee Schedule 2 Worksheet
  • Base Rental Rates:  Athletic Facilities are charged out on a daily fee schedule (worksheet #2).
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance:  All “B,” “C,” “D,” and “E” User Groups must submit a “Certificate of Liability Insurance” listing Jefferson County School District 509-J as an additional insured with a minimum amount of $1,000,000. The “Certificate of Liability Insurance” is to be submitted and is a condition for application approval.
  • Additional Custodian/Event Manager Charges:  Supervision &/or custodial coverage is required for non-school days/hours at an additional fee.
  • Use of Facilities with Track:  Requires special approval of the Operations Department and Athletic Director.
Fee Schedule 3: Youth Club Sports
  • Fee Schedule 3 Worksheet
  • For “B” users:  A fee of $50 per month for athletic fields and gymnasium rentals will be charged.
  • Games and Tournaments: “B” users must provide an events manager, not connected to the sport (no coaches), and a minimal charge of 2 hours custodial will be applied to each event.
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance:  All “B,” “C,” “D,” and “E” User Groups must submit a “Certificate of Liability Insurance” listing Jefferson County School District 509-J as an additional insured with a minimum amount of $1,000,000. The “Certificate of Liability Insurance” is to be submitted and is a condition for application approval.
Fee Schedule 4: Madras Performing Arts Center
  • Fee Schedule 4 Worksheet
  • Mandatory Requirements:  All events must be coordinated through the District’s Director of Performing Arts. The use of the Madras Performing Arts Center auditorium requires a designated auditorium manager to be on site at all times, including during rehearsals, performance, set-up and tear-down.
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance:  All “B,” “C,” “D,” and “E” User Groups must submit a “Certificate of Liability Insurance” listing Jefferson County School District 509-J as an additional insured with a minimum amount of $1,000,000. The “Certificate of Liability Insurance” is to be submitted and is a condition for application approval.
  • Fee Packages:  Fees will be charged by a “package” type and according to base rates for “Off Peak” and “Peak” rental hours.
  • Fees for rental packages will be charged in 4-hour increments, 8-hour increments and additional hourly rates.
  • Off-Peak Days and Hours:  Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Peak Days and Hours:  Friday through Sunday, all hours.
  • Speaker Package Includes:  Auditorium, stage apron, front curtain closed, lectern with up to three amplified microphones, lighting for lectern, one A/V component set-up, projection screen, and theater supervisor/crew member.
  • Mini-Theater Package Includes:  All of the “Speaker Package” plus full stage to up-stage curtain, use of front curtain, up to eight microphones, two-stage monitor speakers, twenty-four lighting cues, two rigging moves  (additional labor required), access to dressing and make-up rooms.
  • Full Theater Package Includes:  All of the “Mini-Theater Package” plus full access to lighting and sound system inventories, up to 150 light cues and 40 sound or A/V cues, up to ten rigging moves, green room.  (If qualified crew is provided by the renter, the renter may choose to only have one crew member and receive discount up to the cost of the additional crew member.)  Incidental use of the Scene Shop and scheduling for it would need to be negotiated.
  • Scene Shop:  Rentals are made on a space-available basis.  If staff is required during use, additional fees will be charged.
  • Multi-purpose (Conference) Room:  Includes tables and chairs configured to users’ specifications, lectern, Wifi access, use of white boards and connection to large screen; Coffee, Tea and Ice Water are included.
  • Lobby: Includes access to main lobby, grand staircase and second-story balcony, and use of the five tall bistro tables.
  • Security Deposit:  A Security Deposit may be required at the discretion of the Director of Performing Arts or designee.  Deposit can range from full estimate of building usage to a nominal “Good Faith” amount.
Fee Schedule 5: Equipment Rental Fees
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