(541) 475-6192
Want to purchase a memory that will last a lifetime? Buy your MHS Senior Athlete’s banner!
– The senior banner is meant to honor MHS White Buffalo Senior Athletes
– You can purchase the banner from now all the way up until the week after the sport ends.
If you’d like to purchase such banners, please scan the QR CODE
or follow the link below,
Cost: $45 and you will receive the 3×2 banner at the end of the sports season.
Only 1 banner of each athlete will be made (UNLESS YOUR ATHLETE PARTICIPATES IN MORE THAN ONE SPORT IN THE FALL SEASON!). Once the athlete’s banner is purchased, there will be no more available.
If you’d like to be a sponsor for athletes and purchase their banner for them, you can do that as well!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Coach Ack: alewis@509j.net and/or Athletic Director Mr. Stahl: wstahl@509j.net
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